You have several options available to you when you’re ready to store your stuff. Right now, let’s compare self-storage Easley SC vs portable storage containers.

Self-Storage Easley SC or Portable Storage Containers?

Let’s face it: both self-storage Easley SC and portable storage containers can help make your life better. However, they both might not work well for you in every situation.

Portable Storage Containers

First, you may have seen people with portable storage containers in their yard or driveway. These are owned by a storage service that delivers a container to your home.

Before you order one, carefully compare self-storage Easley SC vs portable storage containers.

When your container is full, the service provider picks up your container and stores it on their property. When you need it again, they’ll deliver it to your home. If you choose this type of storage, read the “fine print.” You may have to pay hefty service fees every time you want to access your things.

So, a portable storage container might work well if you’re going to move far away and you don’t want to hire a moving company. However, this type of storage might not work well if you need frequent and convenient access to your stuff.

Self-Storage Easley SC vs portable storage containers

Self-Storage Easley SC

When you choose self-storage Easley SC, you’ll have to transport the items that you wish to store to your self-storage unit. So, your storage experience might not seem as convenient as it would be if you had a portable storage container delivered to your residence.

However, for one affordable monthly price, you can have unlimited access to your things. So, if you need to use your storage unit for business, hobbies, or recreation, you don’t have to worry about (1) having to wait for the delivery of your container or (2) delivery service fees.

Furthermore, you have three convenient locations in Easley SC to choose from:

American Self Storage 877 Jameson Rd, Easley, SC 29640 (864-704-5507).

Affordable Self Storage 106 Storage Ln, Easley, SC (864-850-0000).

Make Space Storage 400 Ross Avenue, Easley, SC (864-770-3005).

If Easley SC isn’t convenient to you, American Self Storage, LLC operates facilities in Liberty SC, Pickens SC, Lancaster SC, and Greenwood SC. Check out our locations page to learn more.

Deciding between Self-Storage Easley SC and Portable Storage Containers

If you’re moving across a long distance and you don’t require frequent or unplanned access to your belongings, you should consider renting a portable storage container from a reputable service provider. Just remember that unanticipated access requirements can cost you a lot in terms of time and money.

On the other hand, if you want to have unrestricted access to your possessions and want to control your expenses, you should choose self-storage Easley SC.

Moving Forward

Learn more about American Self Storage by visiting our “About Us” page. There, you can contact us via an online form or via the telephone (888-843-8420).

You can also learn more about how to use self-storage from this article at

Before You Go:

Check out the American Self Storage, LLC blog. You’ll learn all about how to get the most from your self-storage experience.

Start by reading the below links.

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Self-Storage Easley SC vs portable storage containers Self-Storage Easley SC vs Portable Storage Containers - You have several options available to you when you're ready to store your stuff. Right now, let's compare self-storage Easley… Continue Reading
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